My how time flies!
Teague just had his 2 month appointment yesterday and had to get his shots. He did so wonderful and took them like a champ! He only cried for a minute and didn't really get sick or anything, had a little fever. He is 13lbs. and 10oz. which puts him in the 90th percential for weight and 24in. long which puts him in the 95th percential. He's a big thing. Growing like a weed! He's starting to make all kinds of sounds and I love when he smiles. Yes folks he does smile, haha quite frequently. Its the cutest dang thing ever. I love when he plays with his toung and hands. I love watching him pass all the mile stones in his develpoment.
I've gone back to work and so on the weekends he hangs out with grandma and grandpa, I'm so thanful for them and all the help they've provided me. Thank you guys! I actually enjoy being back to work, its nice to get out for a little while, although 12 hours is way too long to ba away from my boy, i'd be good if it were 6. I feel as though I never left my job haha jumped back into things very quickly.
This year is going by in a flash and i'm so excited to continue watching and helping my boy grow up. I love it so much.