Well now that it's been almost 2 months I'm finally getting around to writing.
I hope everyone has been doing well.
Where to begin???
Teague is going to be 6 months old on June 16th. I can't ever believe how fast time seems to be going by these days. I love watching T grow.
-He's getting closer and closer to sitting up by himself.
-Laughing so much more, and loves to talk to you.
-Starting to recognize people that he knows and people he doesn't (he sure does love his grandpa Yeates!) fusses whenever he leaves the room with out stopping to say hi to him. It's really cute!
-He's eating stage one food now.. And let me tell you, he sure does not like his pees. Ha ha. His favorite would be carrots.
-He will finally jump in his jumper..After a couple of month of only jumping in your lap its a nice relief to anyone's arms.
-Still sleeping through the night :)
-Growing out of all his cloths he he.. I swear i'm already having trouble keeping that boy in cloths.
He's definitely striving and is so fun to hang out with all day. I love him so much and i'm so so blessed he's my son.
The other day my mother, aunt and cousins all went to the No Doubt concert which was really fun! I loved seeing my family.
I had my first mothers day, and just hung out with the family. My poor mama was sick :( but we took her to dinner later during the week. Speaking of which we still need to go get her flowers. It was nice not having to go into work.
T and I have gone to the park a couple times since the weathers been nice. He loves it and I love watching him take in the world around him in awe..
Jessica and I went to a concert (Matt Kearney, keane) which was really fun! It was nice to hang out together without the kids for a couple of hours.
I turn 21 on Tuesday, ha ha 21 going on 35.. That's how I feel anyway.
I am going to be going back to school in a couple of months and I can't wait. I'm really excited to start heading towards our future life, and building the things I want for T.