Lets see, whats new.
Oh yes, well at the end of June Teague and I went on a trip to Zions Canyon with my dad and Shannon and the rest of the gang. It was so fun! And so very relaxing. I wish I could have weeks like that all the time. To do absolutely nothing. It was marvelous. We went on a hike, it was the Pools hike there (it was stroller friendly) and hung out by the pool; Teague just loves the water. It so cute!!! Brooke and I found out we're quite the nature survivors, ha ha. We got a fire starting all by ourselves, with wet wood, then we made smores. All in all it was a great trip and we had so much fun.
For the 4th of July I took work off so I could spend it with T. We had the family over at my mom's house and had a BBQ. We usually go over to the Riverton fireworks show (the put on a great one) but this year no one really wanted to go that far, so we all Piled up in our cars and headed over to my dad's house (Yeah, kinda funny! the Roybals and Blanchfields together again, ha ha) it was fun we ate dessert and did some of our own fireworks. My dad had these illegal ones that he got years ago. Anyway, we decided to fire some of them. We lite one and it tipped over and all the sudden there was a red wall of fire coming at everyone...It was so Funny!!!! My dad was crackin' up about it the whole night. Needless to say we put those ones away. So we finished doing the fireworks and the watched West Jordan's show( which by the way isn't as good as Riverton's).
On the 18th of July Jessica bought me tickets for The Fray. They were my birthday present. So we went to that. Which was a blast! they put on a good show and sound just as good live.
I think that catches us up to the now. Well, lets talk about T for a minuet :)
He is rolling all over the place, and he scoots backwards, its adorable! He got his two bottom teeth so now you have to watch out when he's putting your fingers in his mouth those little things hurt! He'll be 8 months old in two weeks! Yeah, that's crazy I can not believe how big he has gotten. It freaks me out how fast time has gone by. I'll have a one year old in 4 months...Ahhh!!! All around he is perfect, and great, wonderful and such a blast to hang out with. I could ask for anything better.
I start school on August 10th :( It's a love/hate relationship. I can't wait to get back, I'm super excited to start school. But I do not want to be away from Teague that much. Its going to be so hard for me at first and for him too I'll bet. We're used to spending everyday together day and night. Except for the weekends. I love my family! My dad and Shannon will be watching him a couple days, my aunt Sissy will take him one day, my cousin Tarah will take him one day :) so he can play with his cousin Sawyer, then my mama will continue to watch him for a few days. goodness, I couldn't ask for a better, more supportive family I love you guys so much and can not thank you enough for how much help you give us. I'm so grateful.
So that's whats been going on in our lives and what will be happening soon enough.