Tuesday, December 23, 2008

A week old today

I can't believe my baby is already a week! Where has the time gone? its seems like the week before he was here went by so slowly I thought it'd never get over with , and now time wont slow down.
He is doing wonderful. He's still eating great, and pooping like its his job; probably beacuse it is :)We went to the doctors a couple days ago, because his umbilical cord was smelling bad and I called his pediatrician and she said, to bring him in. Anyway, nothing is wrong with him and to inform you his cord fell off today :) but, he weighed 7 pounds 10 ounces. My little piggy pasted his birth weight!
I just can't describe how wonderful it is being a mother. Every little thing he does I think is just brilliant. He's my little prince charming who has come and rescued me from the tallest tower, haha. He smiles all the time now. I love it! Whenever I talk to him he smiles and it melts my heart.
His first Christmas is coming up. We're going to go over to theWoolsey's houseandmy Aunt Brenda's. I don't want him out for very long with all the colds going around. But, I want to show him off a little and let the family who hasn't seen him yet have a chance.
Well, we're off to sleep!

1 comment:

Marcy May said...

Your dad just told me about your Blog. Congratulations! I hope you enjoy your time off. (It's hard to come back.) I am sure you will only be back for a couple of weeks before I get my turn.